Monday 30 May 2011

A Garden Getaway

If you are a gardener, you know the love and attention that goes into nursing each seed into a seedling and then seeing it through maturity. With all the work you put into this area of your home, why wouldn't you create a way to appreciate it for hours on end?

Think of having an outdoor furniture set in the middle of your garden, creating a green getaway from the rest of the crazy world. You could lounge on this outdoor furniture and appreciate all the things that you have worked so hard to bring to bloom.

After you have finished weeding and are ready to enjoy the space you have created, take a glass of tea out to your outdoor furniture set and sit back. Sip your drink as your eyes take in the beauty of the garden you have created. You can listen to the birds as they hunt their meals or the wind as it blows through the plants. This may become you new favorite place to enjoy a good book.

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